Rodin Coil Assembly Pre-WorkShop Prep Class

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The moment you've all been waiting for. This weekend we will have our pre-workshop assembly class to prepare everyone's coil frame for the Rodin Coil Workshop. This one is FULL sized and I need to order a bigger spool of wire for it. So aim for Sunday, August 31st @ 7AM Est. Make sure you have at least 1200ft of Enameled Magnetic Copper Wire(24 AWG). This will make it easier to wind as you can fit your spool of wire through the tore(PVC Pipe). If you cannot get that amount you can make fewer wire runs but you need to make sure they are even, We will be going over all this our assembly class this Sunday at 3PM. I'll also be redoing the live stream event so you can all register and hit the notify button. I forgot to update the Date on the event and it got removed. Stay tuned!

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