Ghost of Tsushima || Chapter 2 || The Warrior's Code #Disid #ghostoftsushima #games

6 months ago

Ghost of Tsushima || Chapter 2 || The Warrior's Code
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The Warrior's Code! "Jin Sakai" the protagonist of Main Character of "the Ghost of Tushumia" is a Samurai who was Nephew of Lord Shimura. Who was Capture by Mongles. Jin Follows Rules of Samurai's and his Uncles taught him. But in when the enemy is more then in Numbers. He had to sacrifice his Warrior's Code.. Okay Yuna saved him so he has to Help Yuna to save his Brother. Watch and Enjoy Gameplay and story. After all This He is Ghost of Tsuhumia (Not Ghost of Uchiha)
The best Story Game.

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