Dog Wants a Pat and Won’t Take No For an Answer

6 years ago

Dog Wants a Pat and Won’t Take No For an Answer. Dog’s just love to be patted don’t they? And often they just way it to continue and continue. One pat is just never enough? In this cute pet video, Sasha, a beautiful twelve year old staffy cross kelpie, approaches her owner for a pat. She is pat for about five seconds and then the owner pulls his arm away. In a funny moment, Sasha shows her displeasure and then proceeds to rub her head and manuvour it under the hand of her owner to get him to continue to pat her. Adorably, this continues multiple times over the coarse of the next minute. To gain further control, Sasha then put her arm over the arm of her owner to keep it in position so that he can’t take it away! Sasha knows what she wants, and that is to continue to get a pat!! Such a beautiful and funny pet video showcasing an amazingly smart dog who knows how to get her way from her owner. Sasha is a twelve year old beloved dog to Michael, Sienna and their parents. She had been part of this family since Michael and Sienna’s parents were married and was their first pet and part of the family. She is now much older but still very cute and acts like a protector and friend to the children in the family. This is sure to provide a great memory in years to come to remember her, and a fun, cute video for all to watch. Such a loving and calm dog Sasha is, how could you not want to continue to pat her over an over? Such an amazing thing to watch the bond between pet and owner and the funny ways the pet will ensure they get what they are after! Enjoy this cute pet video which any pet lover or owner will understand!

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