GOD SHOWED US disaster hitting NY; statute of liberty GONE; CHANGE moves from EAST to WEST.

6 months ago

On 8/2/24 GOD SHOWED US in visions during our prayers that some type of war, destruction, and fire will hit NY. NY is covered with water. The statute of liberty collapses. There will be natural and supernatural rescue missions for those who repent and cry out to the Lord even at the last moment. On 8/14/24, the same seer, Kristyn, had a dream about NY again. The Lord said NY will be cleansed and the transformation will move from the EAST to the WEST coast of the U.S. HE TOLD US TO PRAY FOR NY to minimize loss. The WIND OF CHANGE is here. We said July in the VD, but it is actually 8/2/24 for the 1st vision.

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