Trump Supports False Claims of Antisemitism / Flip-Flops On 911

5 months ago

From website:
* Trump's definition of "Antisemitism" and his "Antisemitism Awareness Act" which condemns true Christianity.
* What the JEWS did to the GERMANS and how a small minority of 2% controlled 50% of the media and 70% of judges, and promoted homosexuality and introduced pornography into theatres causing outrage and giving rise to Hitler to take back control of his country.
* Trump blatantly lies about "the scourge of antisemitism in the USA".
* Video clips from RJMI lecture "Conspiracies of the Jews".
* New York Jew and political analyst expert Dr. Norman Finkelstein PhD discusses the shame of "the new antisemitism".
* Rabbi Hecht discusses the ADL and making a living of contrived and invented "antisemitism".
* Trump calls for the death penalty for "antisemitism".
* Trump condemns "holocaust deniers" even though he knows it is one of the biggest hoaxes pulled on mankind by apostate Jews.
* Trump admitted that the official story of 911 made no sense then in a later interview he flip-flopped and supported the official narrative, obviously under duress from his Israeli handlers and owners.

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