politics will never solve the problems of an emotionally unintelligent society

4 months ago

imma show yawl these posters b4 i colour em
my fave part is writing the msg cos i enjoy doing the different letters
real drug dealers are more trustworthy
eli just got 2 felony charges AND violated his probation
selling schedule 2 drugs in a school zone
he was just totally self-destructive
title + $ + no prison time (doctors)
a head doctor's whole profession is getting people hooked on shit drugs that do the opposite of what they say (at least opiates get you high)
psychiatry n ethics don't mix
the algorithm is not our friend
i crossed it out on the back haha
their whole purpose is to just keep you hooked on moronics
spewing schizo babble will never be what the people want
mazel tov if you like me
ronnit tells me all the time to stop being so negative
you can't make $ off the matrix n educate people about it at the same time w/out making it obvious that you work for people
andrew tate is a fucking dirtbag
at least he could fuckin box
men that allow women to manipulate them via sex love the fuck outta that mf
raise yer kids plz otherwise they will become leftist lunatics or trust some sack of shit like andrew tate
the philosophy of failure
feminism doesn't even make sense n collapses on itself
i told yawl about this poster
the victim mentality will kill you (speaking of...)
the more you think you're a victim the more likely you will be one in the future
guilt trips ain't from God...just a reminder to myself
ag don't need to fear-monger, we're already schizo
when it comes to hell, our punishment is already here (it's been here i swear)
am i wrong for thinking we've been in the tribulation for awhile now
i have given myself quite a hard time over the years
being an empath is far better than the alternative but it can be fairly difficult
i have no choice but to make art
more likely to do it again if i feel guilty about it
slow suicide: morbid obesity (you can't unsee it)
we live in america so we're around fat people all the time
physique is the tip of the iceberg, what about yer internal organs (saying it cos i care)
psych meds cause mass shootings
i remember being on all this shit wanting to jump off a precipice
i already had that sentiment n meds just made it worse
sit w/ the discomfort n you'll realize it ain't that bad
waaaay more people that have a gun but DON'T shoot anyone
what about all the suicides that involve a gun
the hypocrisy of the L is maddening
put on the whole armor of God since there are so few of us
all comment, no content (for the trolls)
social media appeals to narcissists more than anybody
the world is run by the prince of darkness so why would it be good again
not just the jews but also the jesuits (it's another J)
focus on the negativity n the devil wins AGAIN
a social media site w/ only positive shit? absolutely not
i can't stand people being nice tho, i'd much rather receive a dirty look
genuineness means way more now than ever
crying doesn't mean much coming from ag
respectable people respect boundaries, devoted to a lotta people not just my trolls
boundaries are a quandary for many
if you don't have good examples of boundaries from yer parents then all yer relationships will be terrible
bad parenting begets emotionally unintelligent kids
the whole boomer generation is helicopter esque
i was the wild child (scapegoat), my brother was the people plzer n he isn't a very happy person
i went w/ myself n it was the best decision ever
why would i go against my own principles n make decisions for other people
you will have to deal w/ the repercussions not the people you're attempting to plz
people plzing is instant gratification of pretend validation
blaming yer probs on people that never forced you to do anything
i get off on saying the word no

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