10th Day in a Row of 5D NEW EARTH Sustained White Light Resonance 🕉 Seventh Heaven Codes 77 hz 🕉

1 month ago

Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light

We are now on the Tenth day in a row of 5D Sustained White Light resonance appearing on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 24 hz 48 hz, and a big blast of White Light at 77 hz, Fifth through Seventh Dimensions fully anchored in and rising. Encoded with our 7:7 Gateway of our Sacred Portal to our 7th Heaven within. This is an unprecedented Event for we have never had this many consecutive days in a row of Higher Crystalline Codes appearing on the charts. This is simply one of the many signs from the Great Spirit for our Watchers on Earth of our Great Awakening and Shift of the Ages into our 5D NEw Golden Age of Eternal Life.

Keep rising and shining your Brilliant Light into the Night, Angels of the New Earth, as we make our Quantum Leap of Faith into the Consciousness of the new Hue-man Species of Homo-Luminous, Rainbow Light Bodies of Gaia Galactica…Namaste


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