they should just start calling em god phones considering...

6 months ago

from proverbs 26:11
you know i brought my coffee cos when do we not
about to buy a 5lb bag of organic coffee beans
tired of drinking crap coffee
such a dude, i love it
what proverb ain't accurate tho
humans behave like animals due to lack of consciousness
analysis makes me neurotic
in case you didn't know that's why i've always been open to drug use
very rare to be self-aware apparently
talking about anything seems to involve a lotta comparing n contrasting
they will have their mind made up about you regardless of yer explanation
twitter is a public service so i refuse to do it hahaha
unless the algorithm feels like being weird...
truth don't involve fear-mongering
no point in scaring people w/ Hell, i mean...
most people wander around w/out a purpose
i have always been my favorite study subject
even when i was self-destructing...
totally aware of that demonic spirit (we all have it to some extent)
people don't realize the effects of everything they put into their body/mind
so i was reading the Bible as we do...
2 thessalonians chpt 2
this definitely feels like falling away
strong delusion everywhere
false hope in politics
i had the sneaking suspicion that it was false hope hahaha
they make more $ n have more control over our negativity
booze had such a firm grip of my mind
no guard rails w/ technology
politics has the same effect but it's pretend empathy
if i ain't the temple of the living God then i am probably a host body for a plethora of demonic spirits
not many skeptics involving technology
the internet has puffed up a lotta people that have little to no talent
standup forces me outta my comfort zone
just call me a _____ so you can "win"
twitter has proven that nobody has aged past 12
the devil (or his underlangz) would tell me that we are just doomed
if just one person can retain the information that you provided then it's all worth it
i'm totally content working @ a burger joint doin my thang (planning on dying in the parking lot)
if anything i do makes you feel seen or heard...
if you think you will ever be accepted you have already lost
how easy it is to assume a person's intentions (esp on the internet of all fuckin sewage plants)
at least trump made em feel alive
if you were hated by the right people then you were just tellin it like it is (i might be talkin bout myself here too)
most don't even know their own intentions
internet brain screams validate me ad infinitum
they didn't hear that amy (well it happened)
i had a smoothie earlier, it counts damnit
i don't wanna have to eat so...
i don't take anybody seriously now
i make mistakes all the time but i am nowhere near as impulsive as i used to be so that is success
technically everyone is a drug addict now
the only ones that are truly drug-free are the amish
that beloved camera crew inside my brain catches ALL of it
this was totally an issue until i discovered the cannabis plant
that pops which was my goal, thank you Lord

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