A Tug of War in Canaan – Deut. Chpt. 7

6 months ago

Have you ever participated in a tug-of-war contest? I'm sure you have; you know the drill. The physical tug-of-war provides a great illustration of one of the most fundamental spiritual truths: the enemies of God are constantly pulling at the hearts of men and women to keep them from him. One of their favorite 'ropes' is idolatry.

The wicked are one end of the rope trying to pull the righteous to their side. They use all sorts of things including money, leisure, power, and even fear. What's more, they NEVER STOP pulling. They never voluntarily give up ground.

Israel needs to know this as they enter the Promised Land. Almost as soon as they get there, the tug-of-war starts. They have everything they need to win, but will they? That depends on how they play the game.

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