Kingdom of Elohim, יהוה our Righteousness and Exodus from Babel | Part II

1 month ago

Hebrew Title: |" מלכות האלהים, יהוה צדקנו, ויציאה מבבל "|
There will be an upcoming Part 3. Description and Chapters:

00:00:00 For I Myself am to her, declares יהוה, a wall of fire all around
00:01:07 Zeḵaryah 2: 1-5, 6 - Yirmeyahu 23:8 connection
00:02:19 More "Exodus from Babel" connections
00:04:34 They have to give 10% of GDP , nothing less
00:18:01 Dreamed Shemoth 7: 1-2, Yehezqĕl 7:1-2, Zeḵ, 7: 1-2, 2: 6-7
00:22:47 Zeḵaryah 7 commentary
00:27:51 Dreamed [...] Yeshayah 5:1-4
00:29:25 Yeshayah 5 commentary
00:36:41 Love יהוה with all your heart and all your being!
00:40:19 Yirmeyahu 32: 37-41
00:41:23 Connection to Elohim, Time Spent
00:45:37 Dreamed something connected to masters of Babel
00:48:57 Exodus from Babel, similar to Shemoth 7-12
00:49:52 Answer to prayer: 2 Chronicles 7: 13-22, then Yeshayah 3
00:50:42 Reading 2 Chronicles 7: 13-22
00:53:42 Reading Yeshayah 3: 1-26
00:58:30 Yeshayah 3: 8-9, 14-17 commentary
01:00:15 The importance of calling His Name
01:03:42 Consequences of (not) calling His Name
01:04:56 Prophecy of Yirmeyahu 25: 29-38, commentary
01:08:24 The messenger woman was told Yeshayah 11
01:08:50 Reading Yeshayah 11: 1-16
01:12:44 Commentary on Yeshayah 11
01:15:09 Prophecy of Yeshayah 19: 16-25, commentary
01:18:04 The messenger woman received Yehezqĕl 9: 1-11, 14: 12-13
01:19:01 Tsephanyah 1: 12-18, knowing Yehezqĕl 9, 14: 12-23
01:21:11 Reading Yehezqĕl 9: 1-11
01:24:12 Short commentary on Yehezqĕl 9: 1-11
01:24:42 Reading Yehezqĕl 9, 14: 12-23
01:28:04 Similarities: Tsephanyah 1: 12-18 , Yehezqĕl 9, 14: 12-23
01:32:37 "One third": Zeḵaryah 13: 8-9, Mal’aḵi 3: 3-4
01:35:32 Dream about muslim world
01:36:29 "Two thirds statistic"
01:38:32 Dreamed "1 in 7 will be chosen and kept", Yeshayah 4:1 context
01:40:06 Further context: Yirmeyahu 31: 22, Yeshayah 13: 12-13, 4: 1-2
01:40:52 "In that day seven women shall take hold of one man [...] "
01:41:21 Reading Yeshayah 4: 1-6
01:42:54 Commentary on Yeshayah 4: 1-6
01:45:29 Cleansing and Refining: "I shall bring the third into fire [...] "
01:46:48 Ḥaggai 2:11-23, Hĕḵal of יהוה commentary
01:52:12 Living waters flows from the set-apart place
01:56:06 His feet upon the Mount of Olives; Mount of Olives split into two
01:59:27 Dreamed Zeḵaryah 2:10, "One Third" commentary
02:05:03 She received Yirmeyahu 1: 11-19, 2: 23-37, Amos 3: 9-15, 4: 1-11
02:07:07 Dreamed Yeshayah 46 and more
02:07:47 Reading Yeshayah 46
02:10:29 Contrast between white and black
02:11:31 White, black horses: Zeḵaryah 6:1-6, 8
02:14:46 Was told Yehezqĕl 23, Yeshayah 16
02:15:11 Reading Yehezqĕl 23:1-49
02:25:56 Yehezqĕl 23: 25, 45-49 commentary
02:30:00 Reading Yeshayah 16:1-14
02:33:22 Yeshayah 15: 1-2, 46: 1, 12-13; Moab connection
02:34:32 Yeshayah 16: 2, 46: 9-13; Wandering bird, bird of prey connection
02:35:47 Yeshayah 16: 5, 46: 13; Messianic prophecy
02:37:02 Yeshayah 15: 1-2, 46: 1, Yirmeyahu 48: 1
02:38:11 Yirmeyahu 48: 2, 11-13, 46-47; Moab prophecy
02:39:53 Children of Yisrael, returning back to their land
02:40:29 Children of Yisrael who lost their identity
02:52:12 The idea of righteousness and justice
02:54:38 David was afflicted to learn His Laws and righteousness
02:55:43 David doing His Will, having His Law(Torah) within his heart
02:56:43 More examples about righteousness
02:58:18 Righteousness as a model for a Test
03:01:01 The False religion won't like to see the Borders of Israel extended
03:02:32 Children of Yisrael returning to their land, according to Scriptures
03:06:57 Commentary on Amos 9
03:07:15 Do the enemies of Yisrael have anywhere to run or hide?
03:09:19 Are sinful reigns prepared for what is coming for them?
03:10:53 Children of Yisrael will return on their own soil
03:11:50 Commentary on Miḵah 2 and 4
03:14:54 Redeeming of daughter of Tsiyon and Miḵah 4:13
03:16:42 The Adon of all the Earth
03:17:36 Miḵah 4:13 and Amos 9:12 connection
03:18:12 Commentary on Miḵah 2 and 4 and Solar Flares
03:24:04 Commentary on Miḵah 7 and Solar Flares
03:25:15 In Miḵah 7:15, who is "him" that sees the wonders?
03:25:32 "Let the nations see and be ashamed of all their might"
03:26:03 How many countries will admit they are punished by Elohim(God)?
03:26:20 "Let them lick the dust like a serpent [...]" - Miḵah 7:17
03:26:45 There's more
03:27:42 An X2 sign of 2 verses, that proves Yisrael will extend it's borders
03:28:42 Lies and deceptions will fall
03:29:24 The slide I talked about this, when X2 solar flare happened
03:30:03 The Kingdom of Elohim
03:30:30 It will be as it is written by the Prophets in Tanakh
03:31:26 Children of Yisrael returning back to their land
03:32:17 The remnant of His brothers return to the Children of Yisrael
03:32:44 The messenger woman receives Yeshayah 25, 26
03:33:45 Reading Yeshayah 25:1-12 and commentary
03:37:01 Reading Yeshayah 26:1-21 and commentary
03:43:41 Encouraging verses from Yeshayah 25, 26
03:46:28 With praise and singing: Yeshayah 25:1, 26:1-6
03:47:35 Dreamed Yehezqĕl 35 and Yeshayah 35
03:48:57 Reading Yehezqĕl 35:1-15
03:52:10 Reading Yeshayah 35:1-10
03:54:23 And shall He not repay man, according to his work?
03:57:04 - 03:57:19 Lightning striking directly into volcano
03:58:40 - 03:59:45 Yellowstone, massive cracks form in the ground
04:01:31 - 04:01:42 3km long geological fault near Tula, Mexico
04:05:02 - 04:06:45 Abundant lightning flashes within Hurricane Beryl
04:12:57 - 04:13:30 Plane in S. Arabia has to go around after hitting a dust d.
04:17:19 - China Floods make people hunt very big fish
04:17:49 - 04:17:57 - Someone carrying fish, hit by it's tail
04:23:51 And shall He not repay man, according to his work?
04:24:42 What happened on 28.06, יהוה is watching!
04:28:24 Sending a message to unbelievers
04:29:34 Who will receive Salvation
04:30:53 Yeshayah 53:11
04:32:27 We have to believe in Yeshayah 53 and Miḵah 5:3
04:33:12 Signs and wonders
04:37:34 Yonah 3-4 to distinguish prophecies
04:39:53 Native American Prophet example
04:41:37 Example of a conditioned prophecy
04:47:10 Those who try to divide Israel do an attack on the Covenant Elohim made with Abraham
04:49:00 Israeli Knesset passed a resolution opposing a two state solution
04:49:40 Another interesting sign
04:52:07 "To take their authority" - Zeḵaryah 4:14
04:52:31 Zeḵaryah 4:14 commentary
04:53:42 Zeḵaryah 3 - Yehoshua and Zerubbaḇel
04:56:14 Dreamed Zeḵaryah 3:9
04:57:37 Ḥaggai 2:23
04:58:00 In that day
05:00:28 יהוה צבאות has sent Me - Zeḵaryah 2:9

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