C Database MySQL Select Statement

4 months ago

C Programming can connect to MySQL databases.
Data can be queried using the mysql extension via the procedural method.
Try it yourself after taking the Learning Python Course or Learning PHP Course.
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Important Links:
* Article https://www.ojambo.com/c-database-mysql-select-statement
* OjamboServices Web Design, App Development, One-on-one Tutorials https://ojamboservices.com
* OjamboShop Courses https://ojamboshop.com
* Learning Python Interactive Online Course https://ojamboshop.com/product/learning-python
* Learning PHP Interactive Online Course https://ojamboshop.com/product/learning-python
* Learning Python Ebook https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Python-Programming-eBook-Beginners-ebook/dp/B0D8BQ5X99
* Learning PHP Ebook https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Python-Programming-eBook-Beginners-ebook/dp/B0D442PR8T

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