Resident evil 2 B Scenario - Clare knife fight - Vaccine Room

5 months ago

This is my first try with FRAPS... never tried them before.

Here i am fighting in the vaccine room near the end of the game.
Game is Resident Evil 2 Scenario B - playing on normal difficulty. PC-version

Clare is shown in her cowgirl costume unlocked by killing Brad zombie in the beginning of the game.

(To get the key you need to be playing on Normal difficulty in the scenario A and get to the police station without collecting any items and neither the shotgun (Leon) / Bowgun (Clare) when you arrive at the police station head downstairs and there is a Brad Vickers super-zombie. Knife him down or shoot him but he needs a lot of bullets so you need to be somewhat skilled with the knife to finish him off)
Here I am showing my skills so far with the knife...i am far from perfect and i am yet to test myself vs bosses (they are the most difficult of all)

Question to viewers: As you may notice here zombies jump on the character occasionally. If anyone knows what triggers it or how to avoid it please leave a comment, it will be really appreciated. As you may see i try to avoid them i succeeded here twice but failed the third time and got bit in the leg (although that is a short and easy way to finish off the zombies it is counted as damage and wanted to know if it could be avoided)

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