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Minecraft: How to build a Medieval Survival Base | Easy Tutorial

5 months ago

#minecraft #buildtutorial #survivalhouse #starterhome
#minecraft #howtobuild #minecrafthouse #minecraftbuilding #buildtutorial #survivalhouse #starterhome #house #medievalhouse

Hello guys! In this tutorial, I will show you how to easily build a Medieval Survival House in Minecraft.

I hope you like it :)

Stone bricks x365
Oak log x238
Spruce planks x170
Stripped oak log x150
Spruce trapdoor x119
Cobblestone wall x119
Spruce fence x115
Deepslate tile stairs x110
Deepslate tiles x64
Deepslate brick stairs x34
Deepslate tile slab x2
Spruce stairs x92
Campfire x85
Spruce slab x72
Cobblestone x60
Granite x62
Polished granite x30
Oak planks x45
Polished andesite x37
Oak trapdoor x29
Polished andesite slab x28
Barrel x27
Bricks x20
Brick wall x7
Cobblestone slab x19
Chest x17
Polished andesite stairs x16
Ladder x15
Red carpet x15
Oak fence x15
Oak leaves x16
Stone brick stairs x14
Bookshelf x14
Glass pane x12
Lectern x11
Iron bars x11
Lantern x11
Red stained glass pane x10
Spruce door x4
Chain x8
Red bed x3
Glowstone x5
White stained glass pane x4
Oak door x2
Chiselsed stone bricks x4
Spruce sign x3
Smoker x3
Blast furnace x3
Spruce fence gate x3
Candle x8
Hopper x2
Acacia slab x2
Armor stand x2
Painting x3
Brewing stand x2
Anvil x2
Crafting table x2
Furnace x2
Grindstone x1
Stonecutter x1
Acacia planks x1
Oak stairs x1
Flower pot x5
Medium amethyst bud x1
Enchanting table x1

▶Minecraft Version:
Minecraft 1.20.4

▶Shader Pack:

▶Texture Pack:

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