Psalm 118

1 month ago

This Mizmowr answers our questions pertaining to Yahowah’s return with Dowd, leading to our celebration of Chag Sukah. To set the scene, this Song was scribed at a time when religious and political Jews claimed God’s authority for themselves. Like rabbis and priests today, they insinuated that there was no righteousness or redemption apart from their rules and rituals. In order to perpetrate this deception, they made all references to Yahowah illegal – including saying His name. The Psalmist is begging the nation to reverse that trend.

This Mizmowr is more than just a snapshot in history. The conditions it reflects, and its appeal for reason and a return to the relationship, will all be played out again as we approach Yowm Kipurym in 2033 – year 6000 Yah.

Dowd recognized what the world has missed. The God of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms is loving and kind. He is generous and merciful. He is enriching, both pleasing and agreeable. These are eternal hallmarks of His character.
~ Yada Yahowah
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