Phone Call From A Stranger (1952)(IMDB 7.0)(BetteDavis-SWinters-GMerrill)(Dirs-JeanNegulesco)

6 months ago

Phone Call From A Stranger (1952)(IMDB 7.0)(BetteDavis-ShelleyWinters-GaryMerrill)(Dirs-JeanNegulesco)
Phone Call from a Stranger (1952)
While awaiting a delayed flight, a lawyer who has left his unfaithful wife, befriends three fellow passengers. After the plane crashes and he is among the few to survive, he feels compelled to contact the families of his dead friends.
Director-Jean Negulesco
Writers-Nunnally Johnson-I.A.R. Wylie
Stars-Bette Davis-Shelley Winters-Gary Merrill

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