I had a dream that Donald Trump won the 2024 US Presidential election

6 months ago

Last year back in 2023 before the October 7 attacks on Israel, I had a dream that Donald Trump won the US 2024 Presidential election. I was in my apartment, which I do not have in real life when the news announced Donald Trump's victory to the White House. Now this election has not happened yet but the dream is in past tense as it is told in the future.
I have not received any official confirmation from God or the spirit world that this is a prophecy but based on my own assessment, I assume that it is.

Usually dreams that I receive are prophetic and 'come to pass.' I have never received a false prophecy in a dream.
I will also list times I also got it wrong.

Dreams which came to pass.
1. I dreamt about walking to the town Halásztelek in Hungary which later came to pass when I visited my friend in Hungary and performed an identical journey as was shown in the dream.
2. I also dreamed about being in the bathroom of the Alfred Hajos National Aquatics Complex on Margit Island in Hungary which was before I went to Hungary.
3. I had a dream that I was walking on a journey to somewhere next to an abandoned looking factory. That was the journey I would make to job I would have in the future as an apprentice for AIM Altitude which is now owned by AVIC International.
4. A dream I had prompted me to do the evening music technology class and I dreamt about someone in the dream who in the future turned out to be on the same course. His name was Shane Harris.
5. I had a dream that I was on an old-fashioned tram which had a ship steering wheel inside it and it was night time. It turned out it was in Lisbon Portugal when I was holiday with my friend Mr Henry.
6. Russia - Ukraine war. I did not believe that Russia would invade Ukraine in February 2022 but I had a dream 1 week before the invasion that Russia started to launch missile attacks on the territory. The dream was right and I was wrong.

False Prophet
1. I wrongly predicted for myself that I would be a multimillionaire famous music artist which did not come to pass.

What does FEAR stand for? False Evidence Appearing Real.

What if the outcome of the dream turns out to be false?
Then this will be the first time I have received a dream with a false prophecy.

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