Dr. Mary Bowden Urges People Not to Take Updated COVID-19 Vaccine

4 months ago

08/23/2024 Dr. Mary Talley Bowden: Pharmaceutical companies are still accelerating the rollout of vaccines because the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act is not set to expire until the end of the year. The FDA approved another COVID-19 vaccine on August 22, and now 10 shots are to be considered fully vaccinated. These vaccines are all risks and no benefits, and they should have been pulled off the market long ago. I urge people not to get any more of these shots.
#FDA #COVIDVaccine #EUA #VaccineRisk
08/23/2024 玛丽·塔利·鲍登医生:因《公共准备和应急准备法》要到今年底才失效,制药公司仍在加速推出疫苗。美国食药监管局于8月22日又批准了另一种新冠疫苗,现在需要打10针才被视为完全接种。这些疫苗带来的全是风险而无任何益处,早就应该被撤出市场。我强烈呼吁人们不要再接种这些疫苗。
#食药监管局 #新冠疫苗 #紧急使用授权 #疫苗风险

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