Galatians Chapter 4 - Marianne Manley

4 months ago

Paul explains that Christ (the promised Seed) that in the "fullness of time" (according to Daniel's timeline) Christ came to redeem them that were under the law.
The law of Moses was in effect when Jesus Christ was on earth.
At the prophesied fullness of time (Dan. 9:24-27) Jesus Christ came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey on Palm Sunday proclaiming to be Messiah the Prince 483 years after Nehemiah finished the wall (Neh. 2:6). We are living in a gap before the last 7 years of Daniel's 490 years.
The allegory has to do with two covenants.
The Mosaic is works of the law done in the flesh (earning our righteousness) the other Abrahamic is the imputed righteousness of Christ (the Spirit of the Son of God in us) received by faith and lived by faith in the good news God gave us (1 Cor. 15:3, 4) and Christ’s instructions through Apostle Paul to us who will live in heaven (Rom. 15:16; 2 Cor. 5:1; Eph. 2:6).
After Israel had a chance to be redeemed under the law, then grace could be offered to the Gentiles by faith.
The Tribulation will begin when Antichrist signs the 7 year agreement with unbelieving Israel to offer animal sacrifices in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. Antichrist will break the agreement in the middle of the Tribulation at the end of 7 years is Christ's 2nd Coming.
In chapter 5 we will learn how to live a victorious life now.

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