How Missouri Tried to Destroy this man and He success instead

6 months ago

Find source here and write up erikplott19
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SO MANY CALLED HIM CRAZY AND MAD- said he was a dilated failure. THIS IS THE END. - we made it #Phaze6 - You can steal his name, BUT YOU CAN NEVER HAVE HIS HEART ! Can you keep up and follow the Plott? Thick twisted.
- Sky falls how much Money, Success, and Love divine did Erik G Plott actually Make? WATCH THE FULL STORY ABOUT HOW COLUMBIA MISSOURI tried to ruin a good man's life and he turned the table and became a success story instead. They hated him for 14 years as he tried and they kept pushing him down, he got up and no matter what pushed harder until he became better than all of them combined. First it was Columbia police department who took a petty crime and turned it into something much bigger where it ruined his reputation. So Erik couldn't get jobs, he didn't even get to complete high school or prom. So he instead started his own business at 18 years old watch the full story here

His idea got him on the news and radio
And later Harvard University noticed him and took interest, due to all his zany creative videos. He learned more about computer editing and cancer biology while attending Harvard.

He went on to discover cures for cancer, diabetes and 400 different diseases and now an even bigger establishment industry came down on him after that.

University of MU hated him, and then even recently with #TrooperNicolasMarch from Missouri highway patrol even committed prosecutorial perjury against him when he was an innocent victim to a drunk drivers hit and run. And due to Columbia Missouri having a special hatred for this young genius legend , they attempted to hemm him up for 2-4 years flat for a felony he didn't commit.

Now they won't be able to stop him because he also helped develop at flash bank the black sun coin and the greatest digital asset currency ever , known as XRP - which they already tried to come down on Ripple Labs and he won again.

So the man is a warrior and much like a saint. You can watch all the 2500 plus peoples lives he saved here
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