JUAN O SAVIN- NERO and the FINANCIAL MARKETS- Horses 8 23 2024

5 months ago

Juan explains what NERO did in ROME why our Financial Markets have the potential to do the same to us. We could become SLAVES in this great game of destroying America. This not only in play but we saw it during the DNC the OLYMPICS (remember that was originally a ROMAN contest) and the Crash of the Ruble also plays into our current correction. As Juan fleshes out the background of this "event" and the CON by the ancient basis of our NATION.. the REPUBLIC. BUT.. if we are to understand how this is going down.. DON'T GET CONNED. We do have a method to deal with this~ Juan was there and the side by side to the destruction of ROME is NOT THAT FAR OFF. This has no Author it is owned by Juan O Savin, DMCA copyright to his speech. All copyright to https://www.youtube.com/@HorsesOnYT for visuals. Fair Use for Educational purposes. Part two will show the future. TRUMP and the NEW Financial Markets.

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