DPA UMPs from M-T/Part 3.

6 months ago

Here are some DPA UMPs in their parts, listening from parenthesis and certain symbols that appear above 'M' to 'T' as listed in my Ubuntu files. This was before many other inclusions or outclusions I stroke out, so the full list is here:
ttps:// • DPAF UMs

Unoriginal Musics Playlists I used for creativity in mainly Erosion, but now from Brosion too/EB.

Since YouTube Studio would not let me mute and only dispute the copyright stuff, I am reuploading with text in short seconds to state where the music was that was blocking the video in all territories. The law is getting chaotic and it must be disciplined soon, especially copyright.


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🍀 My Rumble Channel : ttps://rumble.com/user/MineWarriorKing 🍀
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🎥 My Veoh Channel : ttps://www.veoh.com/find/MineWarriorKing 🎥

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