Build a Strong Marriage Foundation

1 month ago

💑 Early Marriage Wisdom: The Key to a Strong Foundation

If you’re newly married or planning to tie the knot, setting your marriage on the right path from the start is crucial. Don’t wait until challenges arise, bring in mentors early to guide you and help build a solid foundation.

🔑 Essential Tips:
Prioritize Mentorship: Don’t wait seven years to seek guidance. Early mentorship can save you from unnecessary struggles and set a positive tone for your marriage.
Date Nights Matter: Keep dating your spouse. What brought you together should continue to fuel your relationship after the wedding day.
Choose Your Tribe Wisely: Surround yourselves with married friends who share your values and direction. Hanging out with single friends who live a different lifestyle can create unnecessary conflict.
Marriage Comes First: Make your marriage a priority over work, personal goals, and previous commitments. A strong marriage will support all other aspects of your life.

🌱 Grow Together:
Your marriage will thrive when you surround it with the right influences and intentionally nurture your relationship from the beginning.

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