MUST WATCH - Cathy O'Brien exposes MK Ultra Program on 03 Aug 1977 !!!

6 months ago

On August 3, 1977, Cathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton of rape, and that she was a sex slave for Hillary and Bill Clinton ‘who are bisexuals’ affiliated in an elite sex trafficking ring that abuse and purchase and sacrifice children.

Since Trump announced that he’s pledging to seek the DEATH PENALTY for all child r*pists and traffickers in every state as President, I’m sure they will face the trials first! — as well as many others to come!

The Judgment Day is coming!

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We patriots WORLDWIDE have been exposing the Cabal and the New World Order for a very long time, yet still today we have ignorant fools, brainwashed to regurgitate sound bites indoctrinated into them by the mockingbird media. The patriots are well aware that Republican, Democrat are two heads of the same snake. The UK is the same with its political farce. Patriots are on the side of TRUTH, JUSTICE, and TRUE FREEDOM. The deep-state and the cabal are PARASITES, controlled by the Khazarian-Ashkenazi FALSE Jews, and assisted by the Roman Catholic Church and the satanic Jesuit entities in the Vatican City. The cabal are absolute satanic parasites who jump from host to host, killing its host before moving onto the next, and they take on many changes of identity.

Time to WAKE UP!!!

There is one man, Donald J. Trump who for the past 9 years has been fighting hard for many ungrateful Americans and indeed those brainwashed to hate in other parts of the world. This war is much much deeper than many will think, the choice to wake up starts with switching OFF your tell-a-vision, and LISTENING to those people who for years have been trying to tell you the truth.

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