Doctor Who Graduated at Top of her Class at Stanford says “The System is Rigged to Create Diseases”

5 months ago

Americans want to be healthy.

Americans do not want to die early.

Americans do not want to see their kids with Autism, Food Allergies and Pre-Diabete s.

BUT - the system is rigged against the American people to create diseases and profit off of them.

We need to understand why we are sick and it is mainly our Toxic Food System.

This is Tucker Carlson interviewing Dr. Calley Means and her brother Casey Means – two very bright people.

Dr. Calley Means says that we all need to be aware of the level of corruption that is keeping us sick.

Stanford Medical School is 50% funded by Big Pharma.

How many Nutritional Classes are required? NONE – Not One Single Nutritional Class is required.

Pharmacology is about MANAGING the people are getting sicker and sicker.

The Food Industry was created by the Cigarette Industry – in 1990’s the two larges food companies in the world were RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris. While they made the investment in food they shifted their cigarette scientists from cigarettes to food.

This begin the rise of ultra processed food and today our food is a science experiment.

Today, 70% of a kids diet is ultra-processed food. These are literally foods that were developed by the cigarette scientists to ADDICT kids.

There are 3 basic things in the American Diet:
1. Added or Process Sugar
2. Ulta-Processed Grains
3. Seed Oils – Rockefeller Products

Guess who is a major funder to the American Diabetes Association? Coca cola.

As Tucker says, “that is like PETA funding Tyson Chicken.”

What is the overall Health of America?

• 74% of Adults are Overweight or Obese

• 50% of Children are Overweight or Obese

• 120 years ago, when ANYONE was Obese there were literally Case Reports written about it, it was so abnormal.

• 77% of Young Adults are UNFIT to serve in the Military

• 50% of Adult Americans have Pre-Diabetes or Diabetes Type II

• 30% of Teens now have Diabetes – in 1950 1% of Americans had Type II Diabetes

• 18% of Teens have Fatty Liver Disease – A Disease that used to be in Late Stage Alcoholics

• Cancer Rates are Skyrocketing in the Young and Elderly

• Young Adult Cancers are up 79%

• 25% of American Women are on an Antidepressant Medication

• 40% of Teenagers have a Mental Health Diagnosis

• America has the Highest Infant Mortality Rate in the ENTIRE Developed World – Despite spending 2X on Infant “Care” – those “Healthy Jabs”

• Women have a Higher Risk of Dying Giving Birth in American than ANY other Developed Country in the World

• Autism Rates in Kids are now 1 in 36 Nationally – it was 1 in 1500 in the year 2000 – *Same screening – testing is the same. Those “healthy jabs” are making everyone so healthy. In California – one of the most compliant states on vaccines – it is 1 in 22.

• Infertility is at Peak Rates -- The Worldwide Fertility Rate has dropped OVER 60% since 1960. Tetanus Vaccines are laced with beta subunit HCG which combined with tetanus toxoid which produced the HCG antibodies – causes sterility in women. The new mRNA’s take the junk to the testes and ovaries.

• Infertility rates now are going down 1% per year and Sperm Counts are going down 1% per year. *Should be Front page news.

• 26% of Women have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – PCOS

ALL of these Conditions are Caused by the Exact Same Things:

FOOD, WATER, MEDICINES, SUPPLEMENTS – the things we are told that are healthy for us.

The 3 letter Agencies that are supposed to be protecting us are Enabling Big Pharma and Big Corporations (who pay their bills) to do distribute toxins to the masses.

All of this sh*t Accumulates in the Liver and the liver has limits on how many toxins it can hold and neutralize. One the garbage is full it starts to overflow and goes all around the body.

Toxins are 100 x greater than 30 years ago and that is why we are seeing children and young adults becoming ill and taking more “medicines.”

Parents need to be vigilant of the food, water and medicines they give their children.

Source: Redacted News and Tucker Carlson --


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END. 8/23/2024 – 6:00 PM

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