4 months ago


"Barack Obama mocks Trump's 'weird obsession' with size in speech full of attacks: Ex-president leads chants of 'yes she can' for Kamala Harris after his aides helped force Biden out of race
Obama put his 2008 and 2012 slogans to use in his convention speech for Harris
"He mocked Trump and compared him to an annoying neighbor".


Can you be kind to explain what you meant with your hand gestures?
Is it that Trump obsesses with the size of men's penis, or with the size of his people gatherings in comparison to the Democrats which have been smaller?

Terrific Barack, a shallow human being who is one of the architects to destroy our beautiful United States of America, by placing radical black people in key positions in the country like Chicago, San Francisco, New York.

The worst part is that it appears that your acting incorrectly is funny, when there is nothing funny about the destruction of the United States of America, or the World, by abandoning arms in the Middle East to the amount of $85 billion, by releasing funds to Iran so they could support wars against Israel, besides of creating an incorrect war between Ukraine and Russia, allow millions of illegal people into the country, making a system of hate between the races on top of supporting the killing of kids (abortions), confusing the gender of our own young kids, making the great country go woke supporting the One World Order and finally by possibly asking China to release the virus to win the election of 2020?

These actions are similar to the one you Barack used in the process of Sheriff Baca in Los Angeles. You saved a black woman acting incorrectly in the courts of Los Ángeles, disregarding the harm done to the innocent, a Latin USA citizen, in fact using the entire system created to Defend the Innocent, to harm the Innocent, when the innocent had impeccable records and did not violate any laws of the country.

You and the Democratic evil system have tried to destroyed an innocent Latin USA citizen in California.

Do this sounds similar to your incorrect actions against a White citizen, Trump?
You weaponize the Legal system of the country against Republicans, Latins, inclusive Blacks.

Or to one of your very own, Robert Kennedy Jr, family of the two greats of the Democratic party of the years 1960's, John F. Kennedy, and his great brother, as well as the killing of the great Martin Luther King Jr.

Tell the country, tell the World that you the evil democratic party did not plotted their killings?

Therefore your bad actions have been against three races, Blacks, White and Latins.

Who plotted to kill just few days ago President Trump, one of the best presidents the country has seen.
Similar ways to the killing of great John F. Kennedy.

Why did you refuse protection to great Robert Kennedy Jr?


All of these when that innocent Latin person voted for you the first time.

Bringing up the slight thought of one penis size demonstrates that your brain is in the wrong side of the equation between good and evil but thank you so very much for destroying your legacy in exchange of a sex message out of place.

The size of penis is not what is relevant, what is relevant is to learn about OUR CREATOR, THE LORD GOD, JESUS CHRIST AND HIS FATHER WORDS and PASS THEM TO OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL OVER EARTH. What is relevant is the goodness we all have inside to treat others in loving ways since we all need of each other.

Have a great life to the Obamas. Remember. Our kids pay the price for our incorrect actions. These words are WRITTEN in THE BIBLE.

"Exodus 34:7: God’s wrath can extend to the third and fourth generations for those who reject Him."
"Numbers 14:18: The Lord visits the iniquity of the fathers upon their children, to the third and fourth generation."

When you evil Democrats cancel the production of Oil on the first day on power, you basically were placing a great burden in all the poor people in the country, including creating inflation. YOU GUYS DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE, YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELVES.

Your few will not destroy the greatness of the beautiful United States of America. Only THE FATHER can do that, and I am begging to THE GREAT FATHER OF ALL OF US to protect the United States of America since we are also aiding your beautiful Israel, DEAR FATHER.

The good people in the country knows that all the races in the country get alone well

It is amazing their incorrectness, their hypocrisy, their daring to act at will. TIME TO STOP THEM.

The Democratic political party built walls to be protected from others this week, however they refused to build walls to protect the country from illegal trafficking of people. drugs, kids, women, etc.

Friday, August 23, 2024.

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