i have no desire to go to this thing so i'm taking the long way

6 months ago

i just want yawl to hear this again...
enjoy the allman bros damnit
i wanna support small biz even if they're run by liberals
so on this bulletin board i couldn't help but notice...
suicide awareness dance party brought to you by social justice renegades
i film maybe a quarter of my life, if that
i couldn't take a picture but i most definitely woulda
joy division is great suicidal dance music but they probably dunno about bands that good
how to not kill yourself by ag: don't see a shrink
*i just noticed sumin, i looked to the left to indicate that i just told a fibberoni 2:07...more like DIShonestly
i won't do anything unless i have a significant reason to be there AND i feel up to it enough to force myself
doing comedy as well as going to church or an AA meeting achieves sumin similar
equality can only be achieved thru humility
i wanna resurrect berry oakley from the dead and HE can play bass for me, i won't have it any other way
*that's greg allman on the organ
if people have the same goal then people should be able to get along just fine cos there's no competition (people can then work as a team, if need be tho they should also be able to hold their own cos they know what they have to do n genuinely desire to do it)
nobody cares about identity in these places, that's the beauty of it
none of this shit is profound but it still amazes me
we can get over our petty differences cos we want the same thing (at work: $, doing comedy: laughter, at church: more God)
what if those on the opposing side want the same thing just from another angle
the L & R are obsessed w/ certain freedoms
am i bridging the gap at all cos it don't feel like it
i promise there was a plane
i get very distracted by aircraft, as you know
i hate zanies and i also hate comedy (even tho i'm a comic i know it's bad) ESP any kinda themed comedy
the alcatraz seating over there is horrible but i'll fuckin do it
thank you jeep, thank you takoma
i hated this room so much, it was almost as bad as the actual comedy club
i actually enjoy shopping w/ other people cos there's shit to look at so i can't get too bored
i was debating switching my entire diet n now i know that i probably won't be doing that
avocados all day
vegan food is disgusting, i can't do it
why eat fake meat, that just kinda defeats the whole purpose does it not
it's actually the type of fake meat n it's called seitan which is wheat flour n water to create gluten which has protein
they are mocking religious people i think, i don't think i'm reading too much into this either considering...
being militant is not the way to win people
you will never garner positive attention w/ this kinda attitude
whenever they come to the realization that you're full a shit they will come out w/ a buncha "exposure" videos n shit
nothing that i'm so into that i gotta be pushy about it
i don't love doing comedy but i do enjoy the idea of it
being an artist is awesome
turning painful experiences into sumin cool
some wisdom from an enjoyable experience but nowhere near as much an an unenjoyable experience
you have more of a reason to pay attention when you're in pain cos it's a form of survival
hey check out that beautiful sunset over there

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