Join us for the final ReAwaken America Tour Stop, October in N. Carolina

5 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts:

Clay Clark: I just wanted to see Dr Judy, if you could share from your perspective, why you believe everybody should come out to this final ReAwaken America Tour event?
Dr Judy Mikovits: It's different than any other event. As you said, those of us who come, we come just for the people. We get out in the crowd. We stay there. We watch every talk. We talk with the vendors we find the right products for people to show people how to heal from this as they wake up. It's a community, it's friends, it's people you can always count on. In fact, somebody called me last week from the Tulare event, and he said, Remember me and I had his picture. And I said, Of course, I do. Ben. He had a little problem getting his kids in school without the force vaccination. We're on at 24/7. We're your community. We're your friends. Come see us. We might not have another opportunity to meet.
Clay Clark: Well, our final event is in Selma, North Carolina, October 18 and 19th. This event is going to be sold out. You can name your price. You can literally pay any price that you want to pay. The whole team is there. And I encourage everybody get your tickets at, It's Selma, North Carolina, just outside of Raleigh. North Carolina, October, 18 and 19th, two days, 70 speakers. You can name your price.

08/22/2024 - Thrivetime Show Replay:

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