1 month ago

Hello everyone , hope you all are well . This video was requested by a viewer that wanted a booster to get results quicker ! It is a calm rain version and the affirmations can be heard ( I'll also provide the transcript). Remember , don't be dissappointed when results come slow , good positive change takes time . Some progress is better than no progress . Keep on grinding and never quit ! If you have any suggestions , please feel free to ask or email me . I appreciate your support , Thank You.

list of benefits for the subliminal booster:
Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Experience improved mental clarity and concentration, allowing you to stay focused on your goals and tasks.
Increased Motivation: Feel a surge of motivation and inspiration to take action and persist in your efforts.
Heightened Confidence: Develop a strong sense of self-belief and confidence in your abilities to achieve your desired results.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Let go of limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering thoughts and beliefs that support your success.
Improved Productivity: Become more efficient and productive in your actions, making the most of your time and resources.
Clearer Goal Setting: Gain clarity in setting your goals and mapping out a clear plan of action to achieve them.
Accelerated Results: Experience a noticeable increase in the speed and effectiveness of your results.
Persistence and Resilience: Develop the resilience to persevere through challenges and setbacks, maintaining your determination to succeed.
Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Improve your ability to solve problems and find creative solutions that propel you towards your goals.
Positive Mindset: Cultivate a positive mindset that attracts success and opportunities into your life.
Increased Self-Discipline: Strengthen your self-discipline and willpower, allowing you to stay committed to your goals.
Emotional Balance: Achieve emotional balance and stability, allowing you to stay focused and resilient during challenging times.
Improved Decision-Making: Enhance your ability to make wise and effective decisions that align with your desired outcomes.
Greater Clarity and Direction: Gain a clearer sense of purpose and direction, guiding you towards the actions that lead to success.
Enhanced Visualization Skills: Develop powerful visualization skills, vividly imagining your desired results and manifesting them into reality.
Overcoming Procrastination: Overcome procrastination and take consistent action towards your goals.

I effortlessly achieve my goals and manifest my desires.
I am deserving of success and positive outcomes in all areas of my life.
I release any limiting beliefs or doubts that hinder my progress.
I am a magnet for success and abundance.
I am fully aligned with the energy of manifestation and positive transformation.
Every action I take brings me closer to achieving my desired results.
I am persistent and resilient in the face of challenges.
I attract opportunities and resources that support my journey towards success.
I trust in my abilities and remain focused on my goals.
I am open to receiving the guidance and support I need to succeed.
I am worthy of achieving remarkable results in all aspects of my life.
I have unwavering faith in my ability to create the outcomes I desire.
I release any fear of failure and embrace the lessons and growth that come with it.
I celebrate my progress and acknowledge the small steps that lead to big results.
I am dedicated and committed to putting in the necessary effort to achieve my goals.
I am in complete control of my thoughts, emotions, and actions, leading to positive outcomes.
I am confident in my ability to overcome obstacles and reach new levels of success.
I attract positive and like-minded individuals who support and inspire my journey.
I am grateful for the progress I have made and the results I am yet to achieve.
I believe in my own potential and the power within me to create extraordinary results.
I effortlessly align my actions with my goals, creating a clear path to success.
I am a master at turning challenges into opportunities for growth and achievement.
I am fully supported by the universe in my quest to manifest my desired outcomes.
I trust the timing of my journey, knowing that everything unfolds perfectly for me.
I have unwavering belief in my ability to achieve remarkable results beyond my wildest dreams.

DISCLAIMER: While this video may aid you in various ways, it should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical or psychological treatment ( entertainment/ personal growth purposes). If you have a serious medical condition, consult your healthcare provider immediately. None of these subliminals are intended to replace professional attention and care. If you have health or well-being concerns, seek appropriate help.

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