Thigh Holster 101

1 month ago

The DeSantis Thigh Hide! It's a great holster, really well made! The only little issue with this holster is that it can feel a bit bulky for some of my more fitted pencil skirts. Overall, I would definitely recommend this holster! Features genuine garter belt attachments that are sturdy enough to support a gun. The only other little issue I encountered with this holster is that the clasps kept popping off at the back of my leg because I couldn't maintain enough tension on the garter strap. However, this can also occur with other garter straps I've used too. Some of this is simply because I'm a smaller person and the straps are pulled as tight as they can be. You can either order the belt or wear your own garter belt! I do that all the time! If you're on the hunt for some lovely real feminine vintage lingerie, be sure to visit That's my go-to place for all my garter belt lingerie! I'm sure your husband or boyfriend will be totally fine with it... just let them know it's for your gun.... Enjoy yourself!
Four out of five stars!

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