Oprah’s Hypocrisy—Playing the Victim While Pushing Divisive Narratives

6 months ago

🚨 SHRED NEWS ALERT: Oprah’s Hypocrisy—Playing the Victim While Pushing Divisive Narratives 🚨

• Victim Card Again: At the DNC, Oprah claims she’s a victim of racism and misogyny in the very country that made her a billionaire, despite her success and global fame. It’s hard to believe someone so celebrated still plays the oppressed card.

• Perpetuating Racism: Oprah’s narrative that America is inherently racist, especially towards white people, is not only hypocritical but also racist in itself. Painting an entire group with a broad brush based on skin color is exactly what she claims to fight against.

• Fueling Division: From suggesting older white people need to die to end racism, to the Swiss handbag incident where she jumped to conclusions, Oprah’s rhetoric is divisive. Instead of promoting unity, she’s pushing toxic ideas that drive us further apart.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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