Best Gun Oil Review 2024: Original Gun Oil CLP. #clp

6 months ago

I believe this is the best CLP gun cleaner 2024 that I have tried to date.

I have used Original Gun Oil for quite some time to clean all my firearms. Here are the 4 main reasons I prefer this oil over other gun cleaning products.

Original Gun Oil can clean and lubricate all concealed carry and home defense handguns. Firearm disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication should be done regularly.

Here is the Link to Original Gun Oil*: (Use Code SAVEWITHDAVE to save 10% and always Free Shipping!)

Also, the above link offers discounts for two or more bottles, and they make awesome Christmas Gifts!!

If you do not want to save 10%, you can buy it here on Amazon:

Cleaning videos using Original Gun Oil:

Charter Arms .38 revolver Cleaning:
Rock Island Armory (Armscor) 1911 Cleaning:
Smith & Wesson Shield EZ 9mm Cleaning:
Kimber 1911 Pro Carry II Cleaning:
Springfield XDm 9mm Cleaning:
Stag Arm AR-15 Rifle Cleaning:

See my review:

* This channel will receive a small commission at no cost if you purchase through the links in this description.

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