Arm Your Kids Against Trans Culture | Dr. Miriam Grossman

1 month ago

Since 2010, cases of gender dysphoria have skyrocketed 5000% percent. Many of these individuals are teens, particularly teen girls.

Instead of examining and treating underlying factors (such as anxiety, autism, or ADHD), professionals immediately prescribe "gender-affirming care." This "care" includes social transition, puberty blockers, and life-changing, mutilating surgeries. Once kids are on the conveyer belt of "gender-affirming care," it's very hard to get off.

So, what should parents do? How can they protect their teens from the woke mind virus of gender ideology? And how can they get their kids off the conveyer belt of "gender-affirming care"?

Dr. Miriam Grossman can answer these critical questions. She has decades of experience as a child psychiatrist. In recent years, Dr. Grossman has dedicated her practice to helping families navigate the madness of transgender ideology.

On this episode, Dr. Miriam Grossman explains why "gender-affirming care" is NOT evidence-based. She explains why underlying mental health factors must be addressed. And she offers advice to parents who want to protect their children from gender ideology.

Listen now to find out how you can protect kids from the woke mind virus.

Miriam Grossman, MD is board certified in psychiatry and in the sub-specialty of child and adolescent psychiatry. The author of four books, Dr. Grossman's work exposing the origin and hazards of the sexuality and gender industry has been translated into eleven languages. She has lectured at the British House of Lords and the United Nations, and she is featured in Daily Wire’s "What is a Woman?"

Dr. Miriam Grossman's Website:

Get your copy of "Lost in Trans Nation. A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness" here:

Dr. Grossman's Congressional Testimony:

FREE E-book! Find out what Planned Parenthood is hiding:

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