Maharishikaa | The Surrender Practice, Material Impulse & Migraines

4 months ago

Having started the surrender practice, Petra realises that the migraine pain experienced by her over years were actually ‘No’ signals from her body, and the opening of the heart a ‘Truth Impulse’ signal. She asks Maharishikaa how to deal with an ego that is trying to confuse her? Maharishikaa explains the subtle machinations of the ego lie, and how she, Petra, can follow the direction of the Soul resulting in a reduction in the migraines. As Petra realises that her long meditations led to these painful migraines, the discourse moves to the existential reasons for people to chase enlightenment, and the relevance of enlightenment practices in the spirituality of today.

#Maharishikaa #Meditations #SurrenderPractice

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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