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Techniques of Shamanism Masterclass, pt 1: Healing w/ Plants and Sound

6 months ago

I first became interested in psychoactive plants and shamanism at the age of 11 or so after discovering a book on the subject in the elementary school library. By the end of 7th grade I had read the Psychedelics Encyclopedia front to back twice, devoured One River by Wade Davis, read everything I could get my hands on by Shultes, Hoffman, Leary, Mckenna, Robert Anton Wilson, and anything and everything else related to the subject I could find. This was all in conjuction with serious studies of the Western Mysteries, physics, psychology, and mystical, magickal, and religious systems of the world.

Over the years this pursuit has led me to take initiation in Mystery fraternities, to study ayahuasca and shamanism with various tribes of the Amazon, and san pedro and yopo/huilca in the Andes. I have learned much about the medicinal plants of the Amazon, and how to identify them for healing purposes using ayahuasca and what is called 'the doctrine of similitude In tonight's lLightstream I will share much of what I have learned, especially highlighting those things that are ubiquitous throughout the world's traditions. From ritual protocol to specific practices, the techniques of shamanism are strikingly similar throughout the world.

To join a retreat in the Andes in September or November, or in the Peruvian Amazon in May, email MountainGnosis@gmail.com

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