Our Ratty-fied Bill of Rights with Alan Myers – GunFreedomRadio EP441

1 month ago

Our guest today is Alan Myers. Alan Myers is a San Diego CPA and forensic accountant. For over a decade, he has dedicated himself to researching, studying and analyzing the Federal Reserve System, banking and the national debt.
1) Federal ownership of land. Some call it a Federal land grab - what is it and why should citizens be concerned about it?
States are the parents, they created the Constitution, ratified the Constitution and it is the Constitution which brought into existence the federal government, the child. The child is to do only what it has been told to do or can do, nothing more.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution
Total land in the U.S. is 2,271,343,360 acres, of which, federal government owns 615,311,602 acres or 27% of total land in the U.S.
The 12 States with the most federal government land owned are, in order, Nevada (80%), Utah (63%), Idaho (61.9%), Alaska (60.9%), Oregon (52%), Wyoming (46.7%), California (45.4%), Arizona (38.6%), Colorado (36.2%), New Mexico (31.7%), Montana (29%) and Washington (28.5%). Note each State is West of the Mississippi.
My understanding is that the federal government does not pay property taxes to any State. With land that was taken by the federal government in a manner that exceeded its Constitutional power, the State would now be in the position to benefit from such a return. The land could be leased, rented or sold which would generate funds for the State and provide additional future funds from the collection of property taxes.
2) The 2ND Amendment. Is it a gift, a duty, or both?
Arms includes guns, swords, spears, arrows, clubs, axes and shields that would be used in defense or attack. Also note that the word arms comes from the Latin word arma which means weapons.
The 2nd Amendment is one hell of a gift that enables practically all of us to be able to Protect and Defend our State’s Freedom from an evil, overreaching central government. However, the 2nd Amendment is more than just a gift. It speaks of a Duty that we owe to each other and the Constitution! What did Jefferson say, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
3) How do people follow you?
Saturdays, 1-3pm pst, KMET 1490AM with Doug Gibbs, Mr. Constitution and Sundays, 5-7pm pst, on Patriots Soapbox Channel, my show, For The Republic.

Originally Aired 5.20.24

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