No Matter What, We're STILL The Moms

4 months ago

Can someone please tell me what an addict's mom looks like?! Is it because of the tiredness in our eyes? Is it the sadness? None of us walk around waving a flag that announces our arrival or departure from anywhere or that signifies we're the moms of addicts. That's because we're still just regular moms that love and care about our kids (all of them) unconditionally no matter what path they've taken in life. It doesn't matter what mistakes they've made or are still making, we don't love them any less because we're their moms. Don't ever let someone tell you you're wrong for doing things you feel are right for you and your children. They don't live your life, they don't know your child(ren), and they sure have never walked in your shoes. Listen to those motherly instincts, set your boundaries and continue to love your children unconditionally. That's what moms are supposed to do!

P.O. Box 41
Ten Mile TN 37880

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