The Masters of Terror - Alex Jones (2004)

6 months ago

The Masters of Terror documentary was released in 2004. It is a documentary film by Alex Jones, founder of Infowars dot com. The documentary shines a bringht light on the US government, other international governments and elitist groups of billionaires that are responsible for orchestrating terrorism to control populations and impose tyranny.

In this video, Jones presents evidence that that globalists, or powerful elite groups, are using manufactured terrorism to manipulate public opinion that is used to justify increased government control and surveillance upon the American people, without their knowledge and consent.

Jones shows how, throughout history, governments have carried out false flag operations and covert attacks in American and overseas, to justify wars, suppress dissent, and consolidate power.

The documentary cites various examples, including the 1999 East Timor crisis, the 9/11 attacks, and the 2003 Iraq War, to support its claims of government complicity in terrorism.

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