NDE.Theo Von.'the Von' Interviews-NDE-Expert Dr. Jeffrey Long.Fact,Fiction,or a fate all will face.?

4 months ago

Near Death Experience. Theo Von,the Von Interviews-NDE-Expert Dr. Jeffrey Long. 2024, Fact, Fiction or a fate all will face??
Theo von utube support or follow there. The Von
has varied and inquisitive interests in God the after-life etc and comes from a rough background but has made a name for himself on the utube platform from his Comedy and wide range of interviews and his sometimes over honest questions and details of his life.? He ask's Dr Long the questions many want to know from someone who doesn't understand the subject in depth.!
Jeffrey Long is an American author and researcher into the phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs). A physician by training, Long practices radiation oncology at a hospital in Kentucky. Long is the author of Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences, which appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list. In 1998, he also founded the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, which is concerned with documenting and researching NDEs. And has over 30yrs experience.! Your choice could determine YOUR eternity.? Smash the like for more.! Or change the subject.?? let me know.? Note.?? Videos disappearing.?? Why.?? Answer in comment below.!

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