We're Invaded -Fighting Age Chinese & Under Martial Law= Be On High Alert- DO NOT COMPLY

6 months ago

Chinese Police Stations are set up in our U.S. Chinese are stationed at Denver & Chicago OHara Airport, Chinese bought thousands of acres of land around our military bases, with guard shakes, & are in baracks., Naomi reports they are housed in university campus dorms.!
It is a military invasion right under our eyes! Be on high alert!
Many states are under a Pandemic declaration of International Importance from the satanic W.H.O. still.
The people in the White House are not Americans, " Not American Logic". We've been taken over. We can wake up and find troops outside our doors to take us to a camp. What will we do?
Get armed and fight, what else is our choice? We can not comply. Ever again.
The intelligence agencies are corrupted just like we've always seen other banana republics. Now it's us.

Naomi was kicked off "X" , I am not sure why, let's investigate and hope Musk reverses this.
Refer to DailyClout.io and https://naomiwolf.substack.com for more information and if you can order "The Pfizer Documents " book that is the organized book of the 55,000 Pfizer Reports that were released by order of Congress when Pfizer petitioned Congress not to have to tell the ingredients of the Covid 19 Bioweapon shots for 75 years. They prove in Pfizer's own words the injections are deadly. They prove that they knew it harmed and killed and should never be given to anyone let alone pregant women, who most all lost their babies or gave birth to babies that died horribly.

All the Chinese & other invaders are outfitted, and stationed all over the country ready for orders. Naomi saw them at thr Denver airport and

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