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  • 0/2000
  • Literally best show on Rumble

  • The voluntary castration thing is an election year vote grab. Obvioufly most voters will have no clue it's voluntary. Lose muts or serve two more years, all will pick two years unless they intend to go trans anyway. Feckless vote grab.

    1 like
  • Madatory castration drug implant for all pedos, put it so deep in the body they can't dig it out themselves. Also, any and all stored sperm/eggs of these sick freaks must be destroyed. No sex, no reproduction for pedos, NONE.

  • Ryan Reynolds isn't a patch on Darth his style is unique eff Hollywood pedos motherbleepers....sorry went off o one.

  • If we donate not going to get FBI raiding our homes and bumming us or something hope not.

  • ~ I Am :Michael-Willis: Chase. Status American-Born Rex Denizen [Daniel 12] [26 C.F.R. 1.1-1(a) Non-Resident Alien] I Can Take Any Open Office According To Law. I Declare Witness Testimony, I Am :Michael-Willis: Chase. I Am Profest Leader Of THE Cause For "Speaker Of The House" Of The De Jure The United States Of America. I Am THE Republic Enforcing + Second Treatise Of Civil Government John Locke (1690) CHAPTER 19 "Of The Dissolution Of Government" Sections 211-243 + Expatriation Act 1868: "Right To Renounce One's Citizenship" + Coinage Act April 2 1792 Roger Sherman "Gold/Silver Dollar" + Title 4 Flag: "FLAG AND SEAL, SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, AND THE STATE" I Am American-Born Pro Se, Suri Juris, Propria Personia, Jus Sanguinis, Jus Soli, Rex Denizen (NOT a "c"itizen" Nor "C"itizen), I Command Liberty Of Extraterritoriality Of Life Existence Alien Rights And Natural Rights, I Am Professed Leader Of Cause, The Original Model Of A Group Of Mixed Origin And Composition Of Offspring Of Genetically Differing Breeds And Species, A Constitution Of An Existent Living Human Form And Characteristics Of A Family Of Primate Mammals That Comprise All Living Humans And Extinct Ancestral And Related Forms; Abraham-Jacob-Judah-David [Root Of]; I, :Michael-Willis: Chase. Have Proper Status Denizen, Perfect Rights, Duty, Obligation To Enforce USUPERS Of GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES And UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Delaware CORPORATIONS, &c (D.U.N.S. Numbers 067908916, 117804181, &c.) "Second Treatise Of Civil Government John Locke (1690) CHAPTER 19 Of The Dissolution of Government Sections 211-243". Russians Have Infiltrateed Law Enforcement In *STATE OF ARIZONA, *COUNTY OF YAVAPAI, *UNITED STATES. Non-Citizen "Russians" Working/Wearing "Yavapai Sheriff Uniforms" At Yavapai Jail, *COUNTY OF YAVAPAI. I Learned Russian For Two Months..

  • °) about those Solar fⵏⵏªⵯ

  • The Rockefellers at the turn of the century not only monopolized the news industry it ALSO took over the medical industry. Of COURSE we've been guinea pigs on their PigPharm EVER SINCE. They blackballed the natural food & natural cures & midwives who were experts in caring for women & children as well. At the same time the Rothchild cabal were controlling the banking institutions & the both took over the educational systems. This was for GLOBALIST dominance is centuries old. America was a threat to them & they've been shredding it's foundation since inception.

  • Pedophilia is a MENTAL ILLNESS - cutting off extraneous body parts won't cure a PERVERT UNFORTUNATELY.