Is Imminent "Pandemic" a Precursor to Polycrisis of Doom? Alex on Absolute Truth

5 months ago

The evildoers who brought you Covid tyranny and mRNA concoctions at gun point (see Bill Gates, CEPI, the WHO, Pfizer, Moderna, the World Economic Forum, the Democrats et al) are getting ready to do it again, warns journalist Alex Newman on Emerald Robinson's hit show Absolute Truth with guest host Eduardo Neret. Do NOT fall for it.

The preparations for round 2 of this crisis leading to tyranny should be obvious, Newman said. Just consider the WHO's actions, the recent CEPI pandemic summit in Rio de Janeiro, the upcoming International Bird Flu summit in D.C., and the "war games" orchestrated by the key players involved. However, Americans can and must get involved to mitigate the threat.

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