2024 Gun Rights Policy Conference with Adam Kraut - GunFreedomRadio EP451

6 months ago

Our guest today is Adam Kraut. Adam is an attorney with a background in law in firearms-related matters representing individuals, industry members, and pro-rights organizations in state and federal courts, and is the Executive Director of the Second Amendment Foundation.
1) Talk to us about the Gun Rights Policy Conference.
a) What and where is it?
b) Who should come?
c) Why is this a “Must-See” event?

2) Connected to but separate from GRPC is an event called Amm-Con. Ammo-Com is in its 7th year, having originated at the Chicago GRPC in 2017.
a) What is Amm-Con?
b) Who should come?
3) Under the Biden Administration and the incessant push to deprive citizens of their 2A Rights, SAF is busier than ever.
a) What are some of your big wins?
1. Cargill Supreme Court decision
a. Adam’s professional background with the “Final Rule”
b) What big challenges are still on the horizon?

Originally Aired 6.24.24

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