Biden Looked Cooked At The DNC

6 months ago

Posted • August 20, 2024: Biden looks cooked at the DNC. It gets worse every time you see him. -- DESPICABLE: Joe Biden triples down on repeating the WIDELY DEBUNKED Charlottesville lie. "My God! That's what he said! That is what he said and what he meant!" -- Joe gets lost in his speech. Joe Biden: "And guess who cast the tie-breaking-vote…? Kamala Harris!" -- Joe Biden brags about building 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. As of May, $7.5 billion has been spent — and only SEVEN chargers have been built. -- Joe Biden starts SCREAMING about the debunked "suckers and losers" lie. -- This is tough to watch. (…)

• More at: RedState - Biden DNC Speech Is a Historic Trainwreck - With a Slurring, Stumbling, Screaming Speech Full of Lies
Twitchy: Joe Biden Repeats the 'Very Fine People' Line in His 'Hero's Goodbye'
Townhall: This Angry Old Man Yelled At Us for Almost an Hour

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