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  • 0/2000
  • I’ll tell you what congress is really good at doing besides nothing going on vacations taking time off they get more damn time off in school teachers get a school teachers get a lotta damn time off

    1 like
  • God bless our great Leader and President Donald J Trump and Vice President JD Vance and all our great Patriots like Stephen K Bannon and all our J6 Patriots and their families 🙏🇺🇸🙏

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  • Old news on the Bidens! Congress has done nothing which tells all of the American people that corrupt politicians get away with their crimes! Pres Trump may go to jail and again Congress does nothing! We put them in power and they took the power we gave them and they squandered it. They kicked it to the curb. Why should we vote for any of you? Maybe we should just let the country go the way it’s gonna go because you do nothing and we give you something to do

  • TeriNorwood, then they get what they want. it's not time to roll over and lick ourselves. Fight, fight, fight...