Peptides Can Help You Lose Weight, Speed Up Injury Healing, Enhance Brain Health & More

6 months ago

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3.26 - BPC - 157 peptide (helpful for the gut)
11:11 - Dosage
13:21 - Growth hormones
26:10 - Apple cider vinegar
26:53 - Parabens and phthalates in skin care products
28:11 - Compounding pharmacies can mix non toxic products
29:44 - You are in charge of your health
36:29 - Cerebrolysin

Peptides like semaglutide and tirzepatide are a hot topic for weight loss yet there are more peptides out there for almost everything that ails you. I see peptides aka small protein fragments as a way to counter the side effects of aging. You naturally make all of these peptides in your body and like many things it's not uncommon to make less of them as you get older. Unfortunately GLP-1 peptides and peptides specific for skin care are the only peptides available on the market, the rest are available on a "research basis". In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast I (Dr. Jannine Krause) dive deep into how I've been using "research" peptides in my office for years and key things to consider when thinking of using peptides.

What You'lll Learn In This Episode:

Why small protein fragments synthetically made and called peptides are considered "for research only"
How to "stack" peptides to get most effect
Countering the side effects of aging with peptides
Dosing intricacies when it comes to peptides
Pairing peptides with vitamin injections and bioidentical hormones
Using peptides to boost brain health, resilience to invaders and enhance growth hormone production

Resources From The Show:

For more information or peptide guidance and choosing websites: email us
International Peptide Society
American Peptide Society

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