Once Upon a Time I was a Liberal

1 month ago

This man completely destroys the left, the Democratic Party and policies. Why he left and will never ever return.

Incredibly sophisticated and virtually unseen by the untrained eye political psychological messaging is flowing from the Democrat Party to consolidate power in a manner our Forefathers would be aghast to see. The goal is to create borderless nations and seduce citizens into a globalist elite government not at all responsive to citizens in any country, and definitely not the citizens of America. I am not ignoring those who are identified as “UniParty” members; those in either political party controlled by globalist handlers. These actors are more clearly seen in the Republican Party as they stand out from consistent conservatives. UniParty followers are handled by the deep state imbedded in both American political parties as they enlarge the size and reach of a centralized government, no longer representing the citizens nor even trying to pretend to, and worse, the UniParty members are marching in step with Marxist ideology more than they want their constituents “back home” to know.

The coming November election for America may be our last! This is NOT a theatrical statement, nor meant to be merely sensational. What you are beginning to hear, see and read are the belief systems of the Democrat Party that has thrown caution to the wind, come out from behind a facade, and pummel all in their path with the messaging that is the core of the Democrat Party, and nowhere near the party of your parents and grandparents. We are fighting against a globalist Marxist system intent on stripping us of our individual identities and freedoms up to and including basic human rights. If we lose, it will be the end of freedom as we have known. Look past the flowery pose and cackles by Kamala and direct yourself to truly study what is being proposed by the Democrat Party taken over by Marxists and the Global Elites who practice Marxism.

Listen to this gentleman who left the Democrat Party. Then decide your course. 

Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

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