Ex Democrat Voter Compares Democrat Rally vs Donald Trump Rally

6 months ago

Ex Democrat Voter Compares Democrat Rally vs Donald Trump Rally

“I worked for the Bernie 2016 campaign for one of his rallies that was local to me, and I also went to a Trump convention. And the differences were astronomical.

So at the Bernie rally, there was just an air of gloom and doom over the entire thing. Everybody that was there was miserable. I saw multiple verbal fights break out. One was even, like, on the verge of physical. People just, like, hyper emotional and the entire energy just, like, incredibly depressed. You can imagine the types of people that were there. Nobody's nice to you. People cutting each other in line. Just generally having like a garbage attitude.

If you tried to tell 2016 me how nice Trump supporters were, I would probably laugh in your face. Okay? I went to the rally today. Everybody is so nice and kind and there was, like, just a general air of, like, uplifting throughout the entire thing from everybody around.

I mean, like, people everybody holds the door for each other. Even the traffic getting in and out of the arena. People let you in. People weren't driving like jerks. People just talk to you like how the world used to be.

Like, they would just strike up conversation with you. I was talking to this mother and her daughter. They were super nice. The venue that hosted the rally had, like, these temporary bleachers that we were sitting on. And I had dropped my ID on the ground and it, like, slid into the crack of the bleachers.

I felt so bad when I tell you my entire section. It had to be 20 people in the middle of the rally helping me with, like, their flashlights. Like, older people, younger people on their hands and knees. I felt so bad, but they insisted on helping. Just everybody just helping everybody around them.

I felt like it was how the world should be. Really bizarre to me how the left has deemed itself the moral high ground and, like, the nice people. And they think that the right is, like, evil. And my experience has been the complete flip, like, total opposite. I honestly genuinely think that when and if people start to realize this, you're gonna see a lot more people flipping Because it was so weird to me, like, thinking back to me 2016 and me now.

And, like, the difference and, like, who I thought Trump supporters and republicans were versus who they actually are.”

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