Uncovering the secrets of ancient Sumerian technology

4 months ago

Did they create some kind of frequency and vibration? Yes, there is a famous Sumerian cylinder scroll. I will send you a copy of this picture. You see the Anunnaki god, they call him the god with a small letter G. He is sitting on this box. This box has a magnetism symbol on it. OK, and this ancient Sumerian tablet. And then he sits here with this box. There's this tripod up in the air and it has this disk underneath the disk is a gigantic stone table. And as human beings, you can tell him because the height makes them small compared to this guy and the man picks it up with one hand. That disc is a chymatic frequency. You can match perfectly. I found the exact frequency and have a video at that frequency, which produces the same kimatic pattern. And so that kymatic pattern and magnetism kind of reduces the weight of that huge stone table, allowing the average normal human being to pick it up with one hand. I will send you this picture. Pretty interesting stuff. So when you say, well, how do they do it all? Kimatic frequencies and magnetism, electromagnetism and somatic frequencies kind of together, they combine those two things to reduce weight. They did not make them completely weightless, but they significantly reduce the weight of a large number of stones. Another thing is that it also gives something else in tablets. He uses chymic frequencies and photons to manifest solid matter. Now, that sounds crazy on ancient records. But guess what happened two years ago in a lab in the world we live in right now? Scientists got together and combined somatic frequencies and photons and created solid matter for the first time ever as in physics.org. #SumerianScroll #Anunnaki #AncientTechnology #ChymaticFrequencies #Magnetism #Electromagnetism #Photons #SolidMatterManifestation #AncientCivilization #Archaeolog

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