Just Be~SpBOOM: Steve Farrell~Co-founder Humanity’s Team: Amer Dream/Nasty Secret/Awakening VS Fear

5 months ago

Ep 135. Steve Farrell co-founded Humanity's Team with Neale Donald Walsch of the Conversations With God book series (I love these pivotal writings and assume most of our listeners know about Neale, yet I will include a link below). This occurred in 2003, now their non-profit has approximately 700,000 friends all over the globe. Therefore, Steve has been a pioneer in helping expand and garner Oneness Consciousness for decades. Listen on the show as he speaks about our vibrational universe, thermodynamics, conscious living, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Einstein, devotion, forbidden science, life after death and 4 big fears that keep us from Oneness Consciousness.

As with all my guests, he leads the Just Be Practice in closure with a super duper exercise to move us out of separation.

My Twisted Sage Link: www.TwistedSage.com/EdenJustBe
More on Neale Donald Walsch: http://www.nealedonaldwalsch.com
Steve's book:
"A New Universal Dream: My Journey From Silicon Valley to a Life in Service to Humanity”

Links to Steve & Humanity’s Team:
Website: https://www.stevefarrell.org/

Products I endorse to assist you thru this Great Awakening:
1. My 3D to 5D Merch here: https://edenjustbe.com/merch/
2. Hooga Health: Red light therapy, EMF & grounding products. 12% off for you. Enter JUSTBE at checkout. Go to: https://hoogahealth.com/?ref=xffizisqqy
3. Amazing! Transmute the harmful EMFs from Smart Meters, Wifi, cell towers... My link to Twisted Sage: https://TwistedSage.com/EdenJustBe

*Host Eden Koz is a soul realignment specialist utilizing such gifts as empathy, intuition, psychic ability, mediumship, meditation, mindset shift, Reiki, dimensional and galactic healing, to name a few. She can also perform spiritual Co#id Vac+ Healings as well as remote & face-to-face sessions with individuals and groups.

Connect with Eden:
Website: https://edenjustbe.com (remote or face-to-face sessions)
Podcast: Just Be ~ Spiritual BOOM - https://edenjustbe.com/podcast
(On Spotify & Apple Podcasts plus many more. Listen to the podcast on my website or see all the directory links there as well.)
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Instagram: Just Be Eden Koz - https://www.instagram.com/justbeedenkoz
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