Red Dead Redemption 2

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Completing Chapter 5! Arthur heads into Saint Denis to meet up with Sadie and try to scope out John at the prison. This is when we find out Arthur is sick and collapses with Tuberculosis. He gets a shot from the doctor which allows him to still walk over to the saloon and link up with Sadie where she has a hot air balloon ready to go. Arthur flys the balloon over the prison and John is spotted working the fields. On his way back Sadie is being chased by O'Driscolls which you shoot and save Sadie. Back at camp Arthur speaks to Dutch and then goes out with Charles to Murfree Country to scope out a new campsite. Here we encounter the inbred monsters living in the caves which you kill and save a girl and bring her back to Annesburg. The gang comes to the front of the cave and sets up a new camp away from any law. Molly O'Shea comes and you find out she is the one who snitched to the Pinkertons. Miss Grimshaw ends up killing her and this starts off Chapter 6.

#reddeadredemption #reddeadredemtion2 #gaming #streaming

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